My intention is to find its class through Bayes Classifier Algorithm.
Suppose, the following training data describes heights, weights, and feet-lengths of various sexes
SEX HEIGHT(feet) WEIGHT (lbs) FOOT-SIZE (inches)
male 6 180 12
male 5.92 (5'11") 190 11
male 5.58 (5'7") 170 12
male 5.92 (5'11") 165 10
female 5 100 6
female 5.5 (5'6") 150 8
female 5.42 (5'5") 130 7
female 5.75 (5'9") 150 9
trans 4 200 5
trans 4.10 150 8
trans 5.42 190 7
trans 5.50 150 9
Now, I want to test a person with the following properties (test data) to find his/her sex,
HEIGHT(feet) WEIGHT (lbs) FOOT-SIZE (inches)
4 150 12
This may also be a multi-row matrix.
Suppose, I am able to isolate only the male portion of the data and arrange it in a matrix,
and, I want to find its Parzen Density Function against the following row matrix that represents same data of another person(male/female/transgender),
may have multiple rows.)
so that we can find how closely matches this data with those males.
my attempted solution:
(1) I am unable to calculate the secondPart
because of the dimensional mismatch of the matrices. How can I fix this?
(2) Is this approach correct?
male = [6.0000 180 12
5.9200 190 11
5.5800 170 12
5.9200 165 10];
dataPoint = [4 150 2]
variance = var(male);
function [retval] = parzen (male, dataPoint, variance)
sub = male - dataPoint
up = sub.^2
dw = 2 * variance;
sqr = sqrt(variance*2*pi);
firstPart = sqr.^(-1);
e = dw.^(-1)
secPart = exp((-1)*e*up);
pdf = firstPart.* secPart;
retval = mean(pdf);
function retval = bayes (train, test, aprori)
classCounts = rows(unique(train(:,1)));
%pdfmx = ones(rows(test), classCounts);
%%Parzen density.
%pdf = parzen(train(:,2:end), test(:,2:end), variance);
maxScore = 0;
pdfProduct = 1;
for type = 1 : classCounts
%if(type == 1)
clidxTrain = train(:,1) == type;
%clidxTest = test(:,1) == type;
trainMatrix = train(clidxTrain,2:end);
variance = var(trainMatrix);
pdf = parzen(trainMatrix, test, variance);
%dictionary{type, 1} = type;
%dictionary{type, 2} = prod(pdf);
%pdfProduct = pdfProduct .* pdf;
for type=1:classCounts
retval = 0;
First, your example person has a tiny foot!
Second, it seems you are mixing together kernel density estimation and naive Bayes. In a KDE, you estimate a pdf a sum of kernels, one kernel per data point in your sample. So if you wanted to do a KDE of the height of males, you would add together four Gaussians, each one centered at the height of a different male.
In naive Bayes, you assume that the features (height, foot size, etc.) are independent and that each one is normal distributed. You estimate the parameters of a single Gaussian per feature from your training data, then use their product to get the joint probability of a new example belonging to a certain class. The first page that you link explains this fairly well.
In code:
human = [6.0000 180 12
5.9200 190 11
5.5800 170 12
5.9200 165 10];
tiger = [
2 2000 17
3 1980 16
3.5 2100 18
3 2020 18
4.1 1800 20
dataPoints = [
4 150 12
3 2500 20
sigSqH = var(human);
muH = mean(human);
sigSqT = var(tiger);
muT = mean(tiger);
for i = 1:size(dataPoints, 1)
probHuman = prod( 1./sqrt(2*pi*sigSqH) .* exp( -(dataPoints(i,:) - muH).^2 ./ (2*sigSqH) ) )
probTiger = prod( 1./sqrt(2*pi*sigSqT) .* exp( -(dataPoints(i,:) - muT).^2 ./ (2*sigSqT) ) )
Comparing the probability of tiger vs. human lets us conclude that dataPoints(1,:)
is a person while dataPoints(2,:)
is a tiger. You can make this model more complicated by, e.g., adding prior probabilities of being one class or the other, which would then multiply probHuman
or probTiger