Search code examples

scrapyd {"status":"error", "message": "Use \"scrapy\" to see available commands"

When attempting to deploy my project to scrapyd using the following command:

scrapyd-deploy test2 -p NOAA

or, when attempting to run my spider that I created:

curl http://localhost:6800/schedule.json -d project=test -d spider=myspider

I get the following output:

Packing version 1478644677 
Deploying to project "test" in http://localhost:6800/addversion.json 
Server response (200):
{"status": "error", "message": "Use \"scrapy\" to see available
commands",  "node_name": "osboxes"}

The following files appear empty when I check them:


I referenced this answer :on deploying egg file in scrapyd server then {"status": "error", "message": "IndexError: list index out of range"}

But it is a different output, he had an index problem.

With my error I think something is wrong with the spider itself? IT appears that it deploys, but it can't initiate a spider.

I installed scrapyd as instructed. This is my scrapy.cfg file:

default = NOAA.settings

url = http://localhost:6800/ 
project = NOAA

running ubuntu 14.04


  • Found the solution!

    My /etc/scrapyd/conf.d/000-default (the configuration file) was empty for some reason...

    1) I filled the file with this information from:

    eggs_dir    = eggs
    logs_dir    = logs
    items_dir   =
    jobs_to_keep = 5
    dbs_dir     = dbs
    max_proc    = 0
    max_proc_per_cpu = 4
    finished_to_keep = 100
    poll_interval = 5
    http_port   = 6800
    debug       = off
    runner      = scrapyd.runner
    application =
    launcher    = scrapyd.launcher.Launcher
    schedule.json     = scrapyd.webservice.Schedule
    cancel.json       = scrapyd.webservice.Cancel
    addversion.json   = scrapyd.webservice.AddVersion
    listprojects.json = scrapyd.webservice.ListProjects
    listversions.json = scrapyd.webservice.ListVersions
    listspiders.json  = scrapyd.webservice.ListSpiders
    delproject.json   = scrapyd.webservice.DeleteProject
    delversion.json   = scrapyd.webservice.DeleteVersion
    listjobs.json     = scrapyd.webservice.ListJobs

    2) Restarted the service by doing ctrl + c on the terminal window running scrapyd, then typing the command scrapyd.

    3) Re-ran the previously stated command (sudo is important):

    sudo scrapyd-deploy test -p NOAA

    4) success!

    {"status": "ok", "project": "NOAA", "version": "1478702964", "spiders": 3, "node_name": "osboxes"}