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C# - How to react on an Event raised in another class?

I've Got 2 classes:

One Service which creates a FileSystemWatcher that fires an event when the watched File is saved by Word. And one UserControl that has got some functions I need to execute when the SaveEvent is fired.

How can I react to the SaveEvent in the UserControl?


  • I would create an event in the Service which will be raised when the FileSystemWatcher is raised. The Service should wrap the FileSystemWatcher. The parent of both objects will call a method on the UserControl.

    For example: (PSEUDO)

    class MyProgram
        Service svc;
        UserControl ctrl;
        public MyProgram()
            // create the control
            ctrl = new UserControl();
            // create the service
            svc = new Service();
            svc.SaveEvent += FileChanges;
            /////// you might construct something like:   _(do not use both)_
            svc.SaveEvent += (s, e) => ctrl.FileIsSaved(e.Filename);
        private void FileChanges(object sender, ServiceFileChangedEventArgs e)

    class Service
        // FileSystemWatcher
        private FileSystemWatcher _watcher;
        public Service() // constructor
            // construct it.
            _watcher = new FileSystemWatcher();
            _watcher.Changed += Watcher_Changed;
        // when the file system watcher raises an event, you could pass it thru or construct a new one, whatever you need to pass to the parent object
        private void Watcher_Changed(object source, FileSystemEventArgs e)
            SaveEvent?.Invoke(this, new ServiceFileChangedEventArgs(e.FullPath)); // whatever
        public event EventHandler<SaveEventEventArgs> SaveEvent;
    class SaveEventEventArgs : EventArgs
        // filename etc....

    This is just some pseudo example code. But the important thing is, Your Program/Usercontrol should NOT depend on the FileSystemWatcher. Your Service should wrap it. So whenever you decide to change the FileSystemWatcher to (for example) a DropBoxWatcher, the rest of the program isn't broken.