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Vim statusline: show the character itself

Is there a way to show the character under the cursor in the statusline?

I already use %b\ (0x%B) to display decimal and hexadecimal value of the character. I would like to display the char itself as well before these two.


  • There's no predefined item (as listed under :help 'statusline', but you can implement this with a custom expression (item %{...}):

    let &statusline .= "%{matchstr(getline('.'), '\\%' . col('.') . 'c.')}"

    (I'm using :let instead of :set to avoid having to escape all spaces; it's more readable this way.)

    getline('.') obtains the current line, and the character under the cursor is retrieved via the special \%c atom that matches at a certain column; col('.') is the current column. The . then matches the character there, and matchstr() extracts it.