I am developing an Akka actor that respond with a message of type PutAck[Try[String]]
. The problem is not how to develop the actor itself, but the unit tests.
Given that the following actor code
private def put(store: Map[String, Array[Byte]], key: String, value: Array[Byte]) = {
try {
val newStore = store + (Objects.requireNonNull(key) -> value)
sender ! PutAck(Success(key))
} catch {
case ex: Exception =>
sender ! PutAck(Failure(ex))
I wish to test it with the following test
"A Storekeeper actor" must {
"receive an error message for a couple (null, value)" in {
val sk = TestActorRef[Storekeeper]
sk ! Put(null, SerializationUtils.serialize(42))
expectMsg(PutAck(Failure(new NullPointerException())))
Unfortunately, the test fails with message
assertion failed: expected PutAck(Failure(java.lang.NullPointerException)), found PutAck(Failure(java.lang.NullPointerException))
I supposed that the failure is due to the differenthashCode
that the two exception have.
How can I test this case?
The reason why it does match is that instances of NullPointerException
s are only equal to themselves, not other seemingly identical instances.
What you can do instead is to expect the message on type, catch the response as a value and then assert whatever you want about it, something like this:
val ack = expectMsgType[PutAck[Try[String]]]
ack.value.isFailure should === (true)
ack.value.failed.get shouldBe a[NullPointerException]