I am trying to use aleagpu but I get the System.TypeInitializationException. I have tried to google what the problem is but I couldn't find any solution, so please help. The program is the simplest possible:
class Klazz
private const int N = 100;
private const int Length = 10000000;
var gpu = Gpu.Default;// here is the Exception thrown
public static void Unmanaged()
var data = new int[Length];
for (var k = 0; k < N; k++)
gpu.For(0, data.Length, i => data[i] += 1);
I am imagining that there is something wrong in my installation, because the program is a copied example from aleagpu's homepage.
My system is:
Alea is installed from NuGet November 9. 2016
The variables in PATH is correct.
I have tried the AleaSample.CS.ParallelForAutoMemMgt as well with the same result.
It turns out that aleagpu is written in F#, and when you install FSharp.Core the program works. Thanks to Ghosthack answering the question: Alea GPU Tutorial not compiling on VS 2015 Update 2 with FSharp.Core