Search code examples

Symfony2 InvalidArgumentException: The current node list is empty

I'm doing functional testing and I am getting the error

InvalidArgumentException: The current node list is empty

This is my code

public function testThis(){
    $requestContent = [
        'val1' => '324343',
        'valname' => '"Benjamin"',
        'valLast' => '"A"',
        'valnum' => '44343',
        'hndval1' => '0000',
        'hdnval2' => '0000',
        'hndval3' => '1111',
        'hndref' => '"ThisIsAtest"',
        'hdnMessage' => '"I am a message"'


    $crawler = $this->client->request('GET', '/');
    $submitButton = $crawler->selectButton('btnSubmit');
    $form = $submitButton->form($requestContent);

    $crawler = $this->client->submit($form);

    $response = $this->client->getResponse();
    $request = $this->client->getRequest();
    $this->assertRegExp('/\/nextPage', $request->getUri());
    $a = $crawler->filter('input[name="pageName"]');


I think it is getting error in this :

$form = $submitButton->form($requestContent);

Note that $requestContent values are coming from a hidden input type which are all inside the form tag.


  • You have not posted your HTML so now i assumed your HTML such as :

        <form method='GET' action='your action here'>
            * all other html here
            <input type='submit' value='Submit' id='btnSubmit' name='btnSubmit'>
    $submitButton = $crawler->selectButton('btnSubmit');

    to change

    $submitButton = $crawler->selectButton('Submit');

    Because selectButton() accept the button value instead of id or name.

    Make sure this is a helpful to you.