I have a PowerPivot model and I'm trying to retrieve the corresponding surcharge percent (as a function of VendorID and OrderQty) from a lookup table that contains several order quantity tiers and their associated surcharge percentages. Neither table contains unique values for any of the rows (it's a many-to-many case).
In other words, I'm trying to populate the "SurchargePct" column in the table below using the calculated column approach:
VendorID OrderQty SurchargePct
1 30 5%
1 20 10%
2 55 15%
2 80 3%
... based on the appropriate tier from the table below:
VendorID Tier MinQty MaxQty SurchargePct
1 A 15 24 10%
1 B 25 99 5%
2 A 40 59 15%
2 B 60 89 3%
Try this expression in the calculated column:
MAX ( TableB[SurchargePct] ),
EARLIER ( TableA[OrderQty] ) >= [MinQty]
&& TableA[OrderQty] <= [MaxQty]
&& TableB[VendorID] = EARLIER ( TableA[VendorID] )
Where TableA
is your first table and TableB
is the second.
Let me know if this helps.