Now I have time series GDP data for 3 countries. I would like to create a panel for dataset, for further panel analysis. I don't understand how to create it whith reshape package a plm.
1995 68410.7 30457.3 630631.5
1995.25 68353.5 30213.1 625515.3
1995.5 68103.3 29766.4 623124.0
1995.75 67896.0 29661.8 621122.0
1996 67888.8 29595.8 616673.1
1996.25 67874.5 29880.0 616645.4
I've found that I can reshape data in such way:
long <- reshape(,varying = list(names(GDP.series)), v.names="GDP",
timevar = "Country", idvar = "time", ids = row.names(GDP.series),
times = names(GDP.series), new.row.names = 1:((dim(GDP.series)[2])*(dim(GDP.series)[1])),direction = "long")
And after that data are in looks like:
Country GDP
1 AT 49149.0
2 AT 49555.5
3 AT 49475.9
4 AT 49507.6
5 AT 49888.9
6 AT 50324.5
But the problem with this transformation is that the infromation about time periods is lost. I'm quite beginner, and not everything in code behind is understable for me, especially this part:
"new.row.names = 1:((dim(GDP.series)[2])*(dim(GDP.series)[1])),direction = "long""
So know my question is how to improve/change code in case data have following format:
Country GDP
2013 AT 49149.0
2012.75 AT 49555.5
2012.5 AT 49475.9
2012.25 AT 49507.6
2011 AT 49888.9
2011.75 AT 50324.5
Or if I need to use some other function? Thank you in advance. (Code is taken from this topic: Data Transformation in R for Panel Regression)
This shall answer yours! however remember that rownames of a dataframe must be unique and so you cannot have that. check my output:
data = data.frame(AT = 1:6,CZ = 11:16,DE = 21:26)
rownames(data) = c(2013,2012.75, 2012.5 ,2012.25 ,2011,2011.75)
data$row = rownames(data)
data1 = melt(data, id.vars = "row", measure.vars = c("AT","CZ","DE"), = "GDP", = "Country")
row Country GDP
1 2013 AT 1
2 2012.75 AT 2
3 2012.5 AT 3
4 2012.25 AT 4
5 2011 AT 5
6 2011.75 AT 6
7 2013 CZ 11
8 2012.75 CZ 12
9 2012.5 CZ 13
10 2012.25 CZ 14
11 2011 CZ 15
12 2011.75 CZ 16
13 2013 DE 21
14 2012.75 DE 22
15 2012.5 DE 23
16 2012.25 DE 24
17 2011 DE 25
18 2011.75 DE 26
And if what you sought is a list of dataframes each for a Country then use dlply() :
dlply(data1, .(Country), function(x) {rownames(x) = x$row;x$row = NULL;x})
Country GDP
2013 AT 1
2012.75 AT 2
2012.5 AT 3
2012.25 AT 4
2011 AT 5
2011.75 AT 6
Country GDP
2013 CZ 11
2012.75 CZ 12
2012.5 CZ 13
2012.25 CZ 14
2011 CZ 15
2011.75 CZ 16
Country GDP
2013 DE 21
2012.75 DE 22
2012.5 DE 23
2012.25 DE 24
2011 DE 25
2011.75 DE 26