An AJAX HTTP request terminated abnormally. Debugging information follows. Path: htps://MYSITE/index.php?q=user/autocomplete StatusText: ResponseText: ReadyState: 4
I get that error when I try to type in the autocomplete box that is installed from core drupal.
I've read up on documentation on patching these files and did so. In my console I get an error of : XMLHttpRequest cannot load htps://SITE_B. Redirect from htps://ANOTHERSITE' to 'htps://SITE_B' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'htps://MYSITE' is therefore not allowed access.
So I researched CORS and added htp:// suggestion about .htaccess but to no avail.
I'm running drupal 7.51 on Dev Desktop 2 on a localhost. As well I have it running live, but want to fix it locally first. Any suggestions will help, I've research for hours now.
After countless hours and cold showers, I found out my answer. There was a bad php script in one of the nodes that used Drupal_goto(). That is how I got XMLHttpRequest. I followed to find out where my php script failed me at.