A fraction p/q (p and q are positive integers) is proper if p/q < 1. Given 3 <= N <= 50 000 000, write a program to count the number of proper fractions p/q such that p + q = n, and p, q are relative primes (their greatest common divisor is 1). This is my code
bool prime_pairs(int x, int y) {
int t = 0;
while (y != 0) {
t = y;
y = x % y;
x = t;
return (x == 1);
void proer_fractions(int n) {
int num = n % 2 == 0 ? n / 2 - 1 : n / 2, den = 0, count = 0;
for (; num > 0; --num) {
den = n - num;
if (prime_pairs(num, den))
printf("%d", count);
I wonder if I did it correctly. Is there anyway to speed up the algorithm? It took my laptop (i7-4700mq) 2.97 seconds to run with Release mode when N = 50 000 000.
Thank you very much.
The key fact is that if p + q = n
and gcd(p, q) = k
then k must divide n. Conversely, if p is coprime to n then q = n - p
must be coprime to to p.
Hence the problem of counting coprime pairs (p, q) that sum to n effectively reduces to counting the numbers that are coprime to n (Euler's totient, a.k.a. phi) and dividing that count by 2.
There is plenty of code for computing the totient of a number out there on the 'net, like in the GeeksForGeeks article Euler's Totient Function. It essentially boils down to factoring the number, which should be quite a bit faster than your current algorithm (about 5 orders of magnitude). Have fun!