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Cakephp 3 i18nFormat string for the number of weeks in a specified date

How to get number of week for specific date in cakephp 3?

$this->mydate->i18nFormat('yyyy-MM-dd') will display year-month-date.

But what about string format for week number? Thanks.


  • Have a closer look at the docs for Cake\I18n\Time::i18nFormat(), it tells you what you can pass as the format, and where to find a list of the accepted formatting patterns:

    [...] You can either pass IntlDateFormatter constants as the first argument of this function, or pass a full ICU date formatting string as specified in the following resource:

    Cookbook > Date & Time > Formatting > Cake\I18n\Time::i18nFormat()

    So long story short, the pattern letter for the week of the year is w, or ww if you want a leading zero, and for the week of the month it's W or WW.