I have script in bash which check for mp4 file and if it find more than one it start playing them one by one.
Script working from command line when i log in by ssh.
But when i reboot rpi, it will not start with autostart in rc.local saying
"Must be connected to a terminal"
This is part of the script
if [ "$count_dir_video" -gt "1" ] ;then
54 # make background black to hide wallpaper between videos
55 DISPLAY=:0 screen -dmS "black_background" feh -FxYqZ /opt/scripts/black_background.jpg
56 echo "przed sleep"
57 #screen -dmS "$1" sleep 5
58 echo "po sleep"
60 while :
61 do
62 for entry in $root_dir_video
63 do
65 # multiple files
66 echo "przed omx"
67 screen -D -R "$1" omxplayer -o hdmi -p -b --no-osd --vol 100 "$entry" >> /var/log/sds.log
68 echo "po omx"
69 done
70 done
71 else
73 # single file
75 screen -dmS "$1" omxplayer -o hdmi -p -b --loop --no-osd --vol 100 "$root_dir_video"
76 fi
The problem is in line 67 and i cannot make it work.
I tried other parameter screen combination but always the same.
The idea is that it will start every entry in once named screen session.
man screen
-D -R Attach here and now. In detail this means: If a session is run‐
ning, then reattach. If necessary detach and logout remotely
first. If it was not running create it and notify the user.
This is the author's favorite.
Use lowercase -d
with -m