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creating IPA for enterprise app and not an ad hoc

i'm trying to create a script for an ipa file for my app, but i want it to be for enterprise distribution and not an Ad Hoc.

my script is:

# creating xcArchive file

xcodebuild -workspace <ProjectName>.xcworkspace -scheme <SchemeName> archive \
-archivePath <DirectoryPath><ScemeName>.xcarchive

# compressing the xcArchive file into IPA file
xcodebuild \
-exportArchive \
-exportFormat ipa \
-archivePath <DirectoryPath>/<ScemeName>.xcarchive \
-exportPath <DirectoryPath>/<ScemeName>.ipa" \
        -exportProvisioningProfile "<My Distribution Provisioning Profile>".

Now, in apple wizard, when i'm creating an IPA file, in its embedded.mobileprovision i can see those attributes: for eneterprise distribution:


for Ad-Hoc distribution:


In my case, i don't know why, i don't have any of them, and therefore cannot install them on any device. anyone can tell me why is it ? please ?


  • I solved it. I should use a modern approach, and write it in export.plist:

    # creating .xcarchive file from .app file
    function create_archive_file() {
        xcodebuild \
        -workspace ${PROJECT_NAME}.xcworkspace \
        -scheme "${scheme_name}" \
        archive \
        -archivePath ${SRCROOT}/${proj_external_name}/${1}.xcarchive
    # compressing xcArchive file into IPA file
    function create_ipa_from_archive() {
        xcrun xcodebuild \
        -exportArchive \
        -archivePath ${SRCROOT}/${proj_external_name}/${scheme_name}.xcarchive \
        -exportPath ${SRCROOT}/${proj_external_name}/folder \
        -exportOptionsPlist export.plist

    and in export.plist:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <plist version="1.0">
        <string>... (my TeamID, get it from one archiving action only once, and check it's details in build editor)</string>