I'm somehow new to Django and it's my first time to implementing a signUp form with sms verification.
I get the user mobile number and generate a random number and send to him; I want the generated code to be expired after 30 minutes and after that I don't need them, so it seems that it is not a good idea to save them in DB and after the expiration time, delete them.
I wonder if anybody can help me with the the question that "what is the best way to implement this?"
Thank you so much in advance
save them in Redis. Redis keys can have a TTL(Time-To-Live), keys with TTL are deleted automatically after the time period.
import redis
r = redis.StrictRedis()
# create pin
r.set("<phone-number>", <sms-pin>)
r.expire("<phone-number>", 1800) # 1800 seconds = 1/2 hour
# get pin
if r.exists("<phone-number>"):
... validate pin
... invalid pin
More docs at http://agiliq.com/blog/2015/03/getting-started-with-redis-py/