Uh, okay, friends, now I'm trying to add "export to Excel" feature for every table in my app like this:
def update_exportable_tables(self, *window):
Please don't ask why, here 'I know what I'm doing'
if not window:
window = self.window
for obj in window.__dict__:
objname = obj.title().lower()
the_object_itself = window.__dict__[obj]
if isinstance(the_object_itself, (QTableWidget, QTableView)):
def TableContextEvent(self, event):
menu = QMenu()
excelAction = menu.addAction(u"Export to Excel")
action = menu.exec_(QCursor.pos())
def export(self):
print 'Here I should do export'
Yeah, it works fine, but.... The question is how should I pass the clicked table instance to my export() function?
There are several different ways to solve this. Here's one way:
def update_exportable_tables(self):
for widget in QtGui.qApp.allWidgets():
if isinstance(widget, QTableView):
def showContextMenu(self, pos):
table = self.sender()
pos = table.viewport().mapToGlobal(pos)
menu = QtGui.QMenu()
excelAction = menu.addAction("Export to Excel")
if menu.exec_(pos) is excelAction:
def export(self, table):
print 'Here I should do export:', table
(NB: QTableWidget
is a subclass of QTableView