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Ionic - AngularJS: calling methods via template outside of Controller

So, here's a sample code:

<div ng-controller="MyControllerOne">
    <span ng-click="foobar()">Click Me!</span>

Can I, from that template, without changing controller, call the function foobar() in MyControllerTwo:

.controller('MyControllerOne', function($scope) {
    //some code
.controller('MyControllerTwo', function($scope) {
    // method I wanna call
    function foobar(){


  • While not the prettiest solution, it is technically possible...ish.

    If you update your HTML to:

    <div ng-controller="MyControllerOne">
        <span ng-controller="MyControllerTwo as mct" ng-click="mct.foobar()">Click Me!</span>

    Then you should get your expected results.