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Allow any option passed to Symfony CLI

The goal is to allow any options to be passed to symfony CLI, rather than limiting to a defined set of allowed options.

For instance:

php console.php --foo=bar

In this example, foo is an option which is not explicitly allowed by the symfony application.

My console app is proxying to a different application with a number of CLI options. I do not want to have to manually mirror each available option in order to make them available to the symfony application.


  • Why not simply creating your own console command (see Symfony doc how to do it) and using its input options or arguments to hand it over?


    To further clarify what I mean: Do not use the custom options but custom input arguments like:

    // ...
        InputArgument::IS_ARRAY | InputArgument::REQUIRED,
        'Please provide options separated by space'

    Let the user use the command like mycompany:command opt1=val1 opt2=valx (instead of mycompany:command --opt1=val1 --opt2=valx for which you'd have to define opt1 and opt2 indeed)

    Read the array, split the values at '=' and hand them over to your 3rd party in the way it's required. By that opt1 and opt2 is dynamic, one can enter whatever he prefers.

    I did not test this approach but I don't see why this shouldn't work.