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Why isn't the child pom picking the right profile?

I've stripped down this project to be as simple as possible. I'm using the maven-echo-plugin1. All this project does is to echo a particular statement depending whether or not the deluxe profile is active. If I am not using the deluxe profile, the project prints out This is the base configuration. If I am using the deluxe profile, the project prints out This is the deluxe configuration.

I have the following parent pom:


                                        <echo>This is the deluxe configuration</echo>
                                <echo>This is the base configuration</echo>

If I run:

$ mvn validate

This will print out This is the base configuration.

If I run:

$ mvn -Pdeluxe validate

This will print out This is the deluxe configuration

So far so good:

I now create a child pom:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

Note that I've set the property deluxe to true in the beginning of the pom.

When I run:

$ mvn validate

It prints out This is the base configuration.

If I run it like this:

mvn -Ddeluxe=true validate

It then prints This is the deluxe configuration. If I do

mvn -Pdeluxe validate

It prints out This is the deluxe configuration.

So, I can see that the child pom is picking up the parent profiles, and if I activate the profile on the command line either directly, or by using a property. However, even though I set the property in the pom itself, my project doesn't seem to pick up the parent's profile.


1 I'm using version 0.1 because that's the latest version in Maven Central, and this it was called maven-echo-plugin back in version 1.0. The documentation otherwise is the same.


  • Profiles can only be activated using system properties (i.e. commandline) / environment variables as well as JDK and OS, not by using pom properties. (see Introduction to Build Profiles: "Currently, this detection is limited to prefix-matching of the JDK version, the presence of a system property or the value of a system property.")

    So, your approach can't work that way. You might want to take a look at asymmetric profiles as an alternative.