I've seen that XDebug throws Segmentation Fault under PHP 7, that has been happening me and many others. So I got to the solution of running phpdbg
with PHP 7 instead of using XDebug.
My question is how should I configure travis.yml
to execute one or the other according to the PHP version I'm testing on.
This is my current config file for PHP 7, also available here
language: php
- "5.6"
- "7.0"
- composer self-update
- phpenv config-rm xdebug.ini
- mv .env.travis .env
- mv travis.phpunit.xml phpunit.xml
- mysql -e 'create database test_timegrid;'
- composer install --dev --no-interaction
- php artisan config:clear
- php artisan migrate
- php artisan db:seed
- php artisan geoip:update
- php artisan config:cache
- phpdbg -qrr vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-clover build/logs/clover.xml
- ./travis-codeclimate-report.sh
With these setting I can't run tests for PHP 5.6, and when using XDebug those fail for PHP7, so I have kind of a mutual exclusion problem.
Any hints on this?
This is the Travis builds history and the current project files for PHP 5.6
Since there seem to be work-in-progress in this scenario I've decided to continue using XDebug until I can fully move to PHPDebug and use it for PHP7+ and PHP5.6.
At this point, builds with XDebug + PHP7.1 are going well but throws sementation fault for PHP7.0. However, this is sort of ok for me, for now.
Build logs: