I am using Node-RED on Bluemix, I want to let the user upload a document, here is the relevant code fragment in a function/template of a flow
<form action="/upload" method="POST">
<h1>Upload PDF</h1>
<input type="file" name="myFile" />
<input type="submit" />
When I run it, I chose a file and press 'submit', but then comes the message
Cannot POST /upload
Then I went to http://flows.nodered.org/node/node-red-contrib-http-multipart
, in the example there it says
You can upload to a node with the following configuration:
[{ "name": "myFile" }]
and access the files using the following function on the out port of the node
var fields = msg.req.fields;
msg.fields = Object.keys(fields);
var myFile = fields["myFile"][0];
msg.localFilename = myFile.path
1) How can I upload a node with the configuration?
2)Once I get the file name, how do I retrieve it to be sent to the next services? -the next service is 'Conversion' - it takes in the file name.
To make it work, you need :
1- a classic http node connected to a html node where you put your form :
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="/fileUploaded" method="POST">
<input type="file" name="myFile" />
<input type="submit" />
2- Then you put your HTTP multipart node with Fields :
[{ "name": "myFile"}]
You link that node to a function node with the following code :
var fields = msg.req.files;
msg.fields = Object.keys(fields);
var myFile = fields["myFile"][0];
var fs = global.get('fs');
var inStr = fs.createReadStream(myFile.path);
var outStr = fs.createWriteStream('/app/public/upload/testUpload');
msg.localFilename ='/upload/testUpload'
return msg;
You will need to have a folder named "upload" under /app/public/
You will also need 'fs' :
In bluemix-settings.js in functionGlobalContext add fs:require('fs')
In package.json, add "fs":"x.x"
The file will be copied there : /app/public/upload/testUpload
Then we will be able to access it via msg.localFilename in the next node, for example in a HTML page like this :
<h1>Job Done</h1>
<a href=".{{localFilename}}">File uploaded here</a>