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Concatenate Multiple Row Values into 1 Row, with SQL for iSeries

First, I need to thank Kent Milligan and his article at for getting me as far in this problem as I have. But now I need to expand on what he has done here.

To avoid you having to go to his article, the problem he addressed was concatenating string data from multiple rows into a single row in the resulting table. For example:

Table Cars:

  • Make Model
  • Ford Fusion
  • Chevy Tahoe
  • Honda Odyssey
  • Ford Taurus
  • Ford Focus
  • Chevy Malibu


  • Make Model
  • Chevy Malibu, Tahoe
  • Ford Focus, Taurus, Fusion
  • Honda Odyssey

This was done with the SQL statement:

WITH numbered_sets(make, model, curr, prev) AS (
   SELECT make, model,
       ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY make ORDER BY model) AS curr,
       ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY make ORDER BY model) -1 AS prev
   FROM inventory)
SELECT make,
       MAX (TRIM(L ',' FROM
             CAST(SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(model, ',') AS VARCHAR(256)) ))
FROM numbered_sets
START WITH curr = 1
CONNECT BY make = PRIOR make AND prev = PRIOR curr

I was able to adapt that to my own table, and get most of the way where I wanted to get. But for my purposes, I have an additional column I need to include for the grouping. For example:

Table Cars:

  • Make Type Model
  • Ford Sedan Fusion
  • Chevy SUV Tahoe
  • Honda Minivan Odyssey
  • Ford Sedan Taurus
  • Ford Sedan Focus
  • Chevy Sedan Malibu
  • Ford SUV Escape
  • Ford SUV Explorer
  • Chevy Sedan Impala

For the Results, I’d be looking for:

  • Make Type Model
  • Chevy Sedan Malibu, Impala
  • Chevy SUV Tahoe
  • Ford Sedan Fusion, Taurus, Focus
  • Ford SUV Escape, Explorer
  • Honda Minivan Odyssey

Does anyone have any thoughts on what all I need to add to the original statement to be able to add the TYPE column, and GROUP on that accordingly? I’ve tried a handful of things, but I suspect I need to do something with the CONNECT_BY_PATH statement, I’m just not sure what.

Thank you


  • I think you just need to integrate type at the correct points thoughtout the query.

    without being able to test, I think this would be close; but I may have missed something...

    WITH numbered_sets(make, type, model, curr, prev) AS (
       SELECT make, type, model,
           ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY make, Type ORDER BY Make, Type, model) AS curr,
           ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY make, type ORDER BY Make, type, model) -1 AS prev
       FROM inventory)
    SELECT make, Type
           MAX (TRIM(L ',' FROM
                 CAST(SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(model, ',') AS VARCHAR(256)) ))
    FROM numbered_sets
    START WITH curr = 1
    CONNECT BY make = PRIOR make AND prev = PRIOR curr and type = prior type
    GROUP BY make, type

    Perhaps we need do change the connect by to do a concat before connect by... though I can't see why this would help yet...

    CONNECT BY concat(make,type) = PRIOR concat(make,type) AND prev = PRIOR curr