i have this game and i created 3 funcions in my gameviewcontroller and here they are
func getInterstitialAd(){
interstitial = GADInterstitial(adUnitID: "ca-app-pub-1782852253088296/5018877964")
let requestInterstitial = GADRequest()
func showAd() {
if (interstitial.isReady == true){
interstitial.present(fromRootViewController: GameViewController())
print("ad wasn't ready")
interstitial = createAd()
func createAd() -> GADInterstitial{
let interstital = GADInterstitial(adUnitID: "ca-app-pub-1782852253088296/5018877964")
return interstital
and in one of my scene called StartMenu , i call those function
var viewController: GameViewController!
and then i call the functions
but it always returns ad not ready , and false for interstitial.isReady, but also the getInterstitial function is always called .
can someone help with that please
Create a new swift file AdMobDelegate :-
import UIKit
import GoogleMobileAds
class AdMobDelegate: NSObject, GADInterstitialDelegate {
var interstitialView: GADInterstitial!
func createAd() -> GADInterstitial {
interstitialView = GADInterstitial(adUnitID: "Your Key")
interstitialView.delegate = self
let request = GADRequest()
return interstitialView
func showAd() {
if interstitialView != nil {
if (interstitialView.isReady == true){
} else {
print("ad wasn't ready")
interstitialView = createAd()
} else {
print("ad wasn't ready")
interstitialView = createAd()
func interstitialDidReceiveAd(ad: GADInterstitial!) {
print("Ad Received")
if ad.isReady {
interstitialView.present(fromRootViewController: currentVc)
func interstitialDidDismissScreen(ad: GADInterstitial!) {
print("Did Dismiss Screen")
func interstitialWillDismissScreen(ad: GADInterstitial!) {
print("Will Dismiss Screen")
func interstitialWillPresentScreen(ad: GADInterstitial!) {
print("Will present screen")
func interstitialWillLeaveApplication(ad: GADInterstitial!) {
print("Will leave application")
func interstitialDidFailToPresentScreen(ad: GADInterstitial!) {
print("Failed to present screen")
func interstitial(ad: GADInterstitial!, didFailToReceiveAdWithError error: GADRequestError!) {
print("\(ad) did fail to receive ad with error \(error)")
Now you can use the object of this delegate class in other files as follows :-
//Define admobdelegate as global variable
var admobDelegate = AdMobDelegate()
//Declare a global variable currentVc to hold reference to current view controller
var currentVc: UIViewController!
class abc1: UIViewController {
override func viewdidload() {
currentVc = self
override func viewDidAppear() {
currentVc = self
class abc2: UIViewController {
override func viewdidload() {
currentVc = self
override func viewDidAppear() {
currentVc = self
Code is in Swift 2.2. Write your equivalent code in swift 3 in case of syntax error.