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Producer consumer pattern in JAVA

Here the pattern of consumer-producer

Producer creates a new message, consumer listens for them via Broker.

So far, producer creates and sends a message while consumer waits for message. When new message comes consumer prints it to the screen.

I want Producer to be informed that Consumer has received the message and dequeued it.

I wonder is there any way to notify/feedack Producer from Consumer? Or should I inform Consumer via Broker? How can do it?


  • The JMS standard supports a Reply Queue (JMSReplyTo), so that the original consumer can return a reply message to the original producer on the specific queue.

    As shown here;

    enter image description here

    If you also use the JMSCorrelationID, then you can link the messages together, so that you know the reply relates to the specific request with id xxxxx.

    Of coruse this then means the the consumer will become a producer for the reply message.

    The link provided also has code to show a working example (although I have not tried it myself)