I have a Firemonkey Listview in an app running on both iOS and Android. The listview contains 5 items.
One thing I've noticed is when I press the list view with my finger but not on an actual item (in the blank space below the last item), it still selects/highlights the last item in the listview.
Is there anyway of preventing this?
The issue is in the FMX.ListView.pas unit file.
There is a function called
function TCustomListView.FindItemAbsoluteAt(ViewAt: Integer): Integer;
Need to replace
if ViewAt >= FHeightSums[FHeightSums.Count - 1] then
Exit(FHeightSums.Count - 1);
if ViewAt >= (FHeightSums[FHeightSums.Count - 1] + GetItemHeight(FHeightSums.Count - 1))
then Exit(-1);
Once this has been changed, save and add the unit file to your project and it should work.