I want to send barcode details to a database using a PHP array and want to create tables in the database according to barcode details. for example;
barcode number: D2D6000001
Here 1st D indicates the product type, 2 indicates production line, 2nd D indicates the month, 6 indicates the year and the last 6 numbers indicate product no.
I want to send each one into separate tables in the database using a PHP array. Can someone help me with this?
try below script:
$ReciveBarcode = "D2D6000001";
$GETBARCODE = str_split($ReciveBarcode,5);
$SepratedDetails['productType'] = $GETBARCODE[0][0];
$SepratedDetails['productionLine'] = $GETBARCODE[0][1];
$SepratedDetails['month'] = $GETBARCODE[0][2];
$SepratedDetails['year'] = $GETBARCODE[0][3];
$SepratedDetails['productNumber'] = $GETBARCODE[1];
echo "<pre>";print_r($SepratedDetails);
[productType] => D
[productionLine] => 2
[month] => D
[year] => 6
[productNumber] => 00001