I am currently using sonar 4.3.3 and was able to install "sonar-fortify-plugin-2.0" on it.Thereafter I generated an fpr file for a corresponding git repo through Fortify (2.6 and 3.8) and uploaded it in on my sonar test instance. Sonar show's me the violation's but the below page also shows "Open Report" link
Can someone guide what needs to be done to get the "Open Report" link ? Currently that is missing from my widget.
I have decomplied the sonar-fortify-plugin-2.0.jar and there in fortify.properties file I see
fortify.widget.openReport=Open Report
Hence assuming this plugin supports the same.
The link "Open Report" does not exist in version 2.x. Screenshot in documentation is not up-to-date.
Note: no need to decompile JAR file. Sources of this open-source project are available at https://github.com/SonarQubeCommunity/sonar-fortify.