Problem integrating paypal express in a django oscar store.
Added 'paypal' to installed apps and wrote template with the following code:
{% extends 'oscar/checkout/payment_details.html' %}
{% load i18n %}
{% block payment_details %}
<div class="well">
<div class="sub-header">
<h3>{% trans "PayPal Express" %}</h3>
<p>{% trans "Click on the below icon to use Express Checkout but where the shipping address and method is already chosen on the merchant site." %}</p>
<div style="overflow:auto"><a href="{% url 'paypal-direct-payment' %}" title="{% trans "Pay with PayPal" %}"><img src="" align="left" style="margin-right:7px;"></a> </div>
{% endblock %}
Upon clicking on the payment button I get this error: no such table: paypal_expresstransaction
Try run migrate with specify app
./ makemigrations paypal
and then just migrate.