hi to all i have this problem i have a array of uint8_t
uint8_t command_Text[256]
i read some data from adc, i use snprintf for convert the data float in uint8_t
` float aux;
uint8_t value[4];
snprintf(value,4,"%.0f",aux); //convert the data float to uint8_t
strcat(command_Text, value); //append data `
i see this Warning argument of type "uint8_t *" is incompatible with parameter of type "char const * i don't know manipolate the string in uint_8 data, i want read data e to append it in to array, can you help me?
Suggest something like:
uint8_t command_Text[256] = {'\0'};
uint8_t value[4] = {'\0'};
snprintf(value,3,"%3.3u", atoi( HAL_ADC_GetValue( &hadc ) ) );
strcat(command_Text, value); //append data