I have a factor column. I would like to spread into one column for each factor and then fill the gaps by the count of that factor appears for each id. Suppose we have:
car <- c("a","b","b","b","c","c","a","b","b","b","c","c")
type <- c("good", "regular", "bad","good", "regular", "bad","good", "regular", "bad","good", "regular", "bad")
car_type <- data.frame(car,type)
and get:
car type
1 a good
2 b regular
3 b bad
4 b good
5 c regular
6 c bad
7 a good
8 b regular
9 b bad
10 b good
11 c regular
12 c bad
I want this:
> results
car good regular bad
1 a 2 0 0
2 b 2 2 2
3 c 0 2 2
I try this using dplyr, but I'm not really use to it, so It doesn't work.
car_type %>%
select(car, type) %>%
group_by(car) %>%
mutate(seq = unique(type)) %>%
spread(seq, type)
I would thanks any help.
car_type %>%
count(car, type) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from=type, values_from=n, values_fill=0)
dcast(car_type, car ~ type)
If you were going to use dplyr
, the code would be:
and reshape2
car_type %>% count(car, type) %>%
dcast(car ~ type, fill=0)
and tidyr
car_type %>% count(car, type) %>%
spread(type, n, fill=0)
In each case, count(car, type)
is equivalent to
group_by(car, type) %>% tally
group_by(car, type) %>% summarise(n=n())
dcast(setDT(car_type), car ~ type, fill=0)