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Get Field Value from Quotation and Cast to Its Type

I would like to get the typed value for a field from a record in a Quotation. It seems like it should be straight forward but I'm a bit lost.


type FullName = { First : string; Last : string }

type Name = { Name : FullName }

let t = { Name = { First = "Jon"; Last = "N" } }

let name = <@ t.Name.First @>

Then I would like to take the value name and get the Jon as a string (not an obj). How would I do this? Sometimes the return value might be an Array or another Record.

Thanks in advance!


I'll be using this function at the edges of F# so it needs to check for null:

let getValue (expr: Quotations.Expr<'t>) =
    match eval expr with
    | null -> None
    | x -> Some ((eval expr) :?> 't)


  • The eval script that you linked will get you half way there - it will compute the actual value of the expression for you. Now all that's left to do is to cast that value to the appropriate type:

    let getValue (expr: Quotations.Expr<'t>) = (eval expr) :?> 't
    let valueOfName = getValue name  // valueOfName : string

    Keep in mind that theoretically the cast may crash, but in practice that shouldn't happen, because eval would always return a value of the right type (unless there is a bug in it).