When you are using Twilio Copilot, the service will create a mapping of which one of your numbers was used to send messages to a particular target phone number - and based on this mapping, always only send to the target phone number with the same Twilio phone number.
Will Copilot do the same thing if the first message is sent by a target phone number to one of my Twilio numbers?
For example, if 123-456-7890
(number belonging to my customer) sends a message to 999-999-9999
(one of my Twilio phone numbers), I want to ensure that every message I send to this customer going forward originates from 999-999-9999
and not any of my other Twilio numbers.
A mapping wouldn't be created by sticky sender if the first text exchanged between you and the non-Twilio number is sent by the non-Twilio number