I had a series of scenarios that look like this:
Given these receipts:
| Amount | Date | Company |
| 1000 | 2016/10/25 | One Company |
| 1200 | 2016/10/20 | Another Company |
| 1500 | 2016/10/13 | My Company |
And delay is 15
When I calculate date of payment
Then Date of payment should be 20
Given these receipts:
| Amount | Date | Company |
| 1000 | 2016/10/25 | One Company |
| 1200 | 2016/10/20 | Another Company |
| 1500 | 2016/10/13 | My Company |
And delay is 30
When I calculate date of payment
Then Date of payment should be 15
Given these receipts:
| Amount | Date | Company |
| 1000 | 2016/10/25 | One Company |
| 1200 | 2016/10/20 | Another Company |
| 1500 | 2016/10/13 | My Company |
And delay is 45
When I calculate date of payment
Then Date of payment should be 10
So I learned about Scenario outline
and I tried to make one for the above scenarios but had trouble putting in the receipts for obvious reasons:
Given these receipts: '<receipts>'
And delay is <delay>
When I calculate date of payment
Then Date of payment should be '<dateOfPayment>'
| delay | dateOfPayment | receipts |
| 15 | 20 | | Amount | Date | Company | |
| | 1000 | 2016/10/25 | one company | |
| | .............................. | |
that I want the same collection of, in this case, receipts
for all scenarios
in my Feature
how can I declare a table that will be passed at the place of '<receipts>'
in the scenario outline
Maybe, should I proceed with a different approach?
---------------------------------- EDITED --------------------------------
Maybe something like this could work (but It is not implemented in Gherkin
Given these receipts: '<receipts>'
And delay is <delay>
When I calculate date of payment
Then Date of payment should be '<dateOfPayment>'
| delay | dateOfPayment |
| 15 | 20 |
Placeholder: '<receipts>'
| Amount | Date | Company |
| 1000 | 2016/10/25 | One Company |
| 1200 | 2016/10/20 | Another Company |
| 1500 | 2016/10/13 | My Company |
I had this silly idea: Given that the receipts does not change I could maybe provide to the Scenario Outline
a Given with the actual table
rather than a placeholder
And it worked:
Scenario Outline: payment
Given these receipts:
| Amount | Date | Company |
| 1000 | 2016/10/25 | One Company |
| 1200 | 2016/10/20 | Another Company |
| 1500 | 2016/10/13 | My Company |
And delay is '<delay>'
When I calculate date of payment
Then Date of payment should be '<dateOfPayment>'
| delay | dateOfPayment |
| 15 | 20 |
| 30 | 10 |
| 45 | 5 |
If you are, as I am, working in .Net
with Specflow
and c#
specflow will generate this method for the Given
with the table
[Given(@"these receipts:")]
public void GivenTheseReceipts()
Don't worry, just add the table
parameter, and the table
will be passed as parameter as it does with a normal scenario:
[Given(@"these receipts:")]
public void GivenTheseReceipts(Table table)
var receipts = table.CreateSet<Receipt>(); // you can even create a set given you have defined the Receipt class
public class Receipt
public decimal Amount { get; set; }
public DateTime Date { get; set; }
public string Company { get; set; }
------------------------- EDITED -------------------------------------
It seems as it would have also worked with Background
Given these receipts:
| Amount | Date | Company |
| 1000 | 2016/10/25 | One Company |
| 1200 | 2016/10/20 | Another Company |
| 1500 | 2016/10/13 | My Company |
Scenario Outline: payment
And delay is '<delay>'
When I calculate date of payment
Then Date of payment should be '<dateOfPayment>'
| delay | dateOfPayment |
| 15 | 20 |
| 30 | 10 |
| 45 | 5 |
Now, it's only a matter of style.
Notice also that Background
will be called before all other scenarios
you may have in your Feature