I am getting an array by AJAX, which looks like this
0: Object event_id: "1"title: "Event one" __proto__: Object
1: Object event_id: "2"title: "Event two" __proto__: Objectlength:
2__proto__: Array[0]
So, an array of JSON, with each entry having an event_id
and a title
I want to display a drop down combo box with each of the titles, and store the user selected event_id
in $scope.selectedEventId
My HTML is
<select ng-model="analyticEvent" ng-options="x.title for x in eventNameData"
I initialize the model, when I receive the JSON data, with
if (! $scope.eventNameData)
if ($scope.selectedEventId == -1)
$scope.selectedEventId = $scope.eventNameData[0]['event_id'];
$scope.analyticEvent = $scope.eventNameData[0];
and handle the selection changing with
$scope.SelectedAnalyticEventChanged = function()
$scope.selectedEventId = $scope.analyticEvent.event_id;
but, when I breakpoint that, the value of the model, $scope.analyticEvent
never changes.
HOWEVER, when I add analyticEvent == {{analyticEvent}}
to my HTML, just before the combo box, that is updated when I select from the combo box.
What am I doing wrongly? How do I get the value of the event_id
of the selected object into $scope.selectedEventId
[Update] Googling, I see some remarks about child scope
- could that be it?
[Update++] I think I should stress more that if display {{selectedEventId}}
in my HTML, then it is getting updated correctly - even though it doesn't get updated in the ng-change
function - how can that be?
Aha! It was a child scope problem.
Change the html to
<select ng-model="analyticEvent.data" ng-options="event as event.title
for event in eventNameData" ng-change="SelectedAnalyticEventChanged()">
and the intialzation code to
$scope.analyticEventDummyData = {"event_id" : -1,
"title" : ''};
$scope.analyticEvent = {"data" : $scope.analyticEventDummyData};
at the start of the controller, and do this when the JSON is received
if (! $scope.eventNameData)
if ($scope.selectedEventId == -1)
$scope.selectedEventId = $scope.eventNameData[0]['event_id'];
$scope.analyticEvent.data = $scope.eventNameData[0];
and the ng-change
code becomes
$scope.SelectedAnalyticEventChanged = function()
$scope.selectedEventId = $scope.analyticEvent.data.event_id;
and we see the correct value in that function:
event_id: "2"
title: "Event two"
__proto__: Object
Quod erat demomstrandum :-)