My goal is to print the sum of every byte's 0th and 3rd bit. This is my code so far:
printLine macro line
mov ah, 09
mov dx, offset line
int 21h
readLine macro buffer
mov ah, 0Ah
mov dx, offset buffer
int 21h
getByteBitSum macro theByte
mov al, byte ptr theByte
mov cl, byte ptr theByte
shr al, 3
and al, 01
and cl, 01
add al, cl
.model small
ASSUME CS:code, DS:data, SS:stack
data segment para public 'DATA'
db 'Enter a line'
db 0Dh, 0Ah, '$'
db 'You entered ',0Dh, 0Ah, '$'
db 20, 00, 20 dup (00)
data ends
code segment para public 'CODE'
mov ax, seg data
mov ds, ax
printLine message_1
readLine dataBuffer
printLine newLine
printLine message_2
printLine newLine
mov bx, 0000
mov bl, byte ptr[dataBuffer + 1]
mov word ptr [dataBuffer + bx + 3], 240Ah
printLine dataBuffer + 2
printLine newLine
getByteBitSum [dataBuffer + 2]
printLine newLine
getByteBitSum [dataBuffer + 3]
printLine newLine
getByteBitSum [dataBuffer + 4]
printLine newLine
mov ah, 4ch
int 21h
code ends
stack seg para stack 'STACK'
dw 400h dup ('**')
stack ends
end start
The error I get is :
GETBYTEBITSUM (1) Need right square bracket
GETBYTEBITSUM (2) Need right square bracket
GETBYTEBITSUM (1) Need right square bracket
GETBYTEBITSUM (2) Need right square bracket
My guess is that I don't really understand how buffer
and its offset does work. If my conjecture is right, could anyone explain in short using this example what is happening with it?
BTW: As of right now I am only trying to print the first 3 bytes, not the whole input line.
Thank you.
getByteBitSum [dataBuffer + 2]
The macro expansion has difficulties with the embedded space characters!
Solve it by writing:
getByteBitSum [dataBuffer+2] ;No more embedded spaces!