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Service Worker: How to build "Fresh" version of website for each new deployment?

The Problem

I'm having an issue with a website (built w/ the Polymer Shop template) in production that's serving up old versions of code despite my new and improved deployments.

I'm using the Polymer CLI $ polymer build command along w/ the Firebase Tools $ firebase deploy command to push up changes to Firebase Hosting. After deploy is complete, I navigate to the website only to see the changes not updating:

  • Chrome: I see the old version of the website first and have to "hard refresh" for the changes to appear.

  • FireFox: I see the old version of the website first and have to "hard refresh" for the changes to appear.

Here's the before n' after shot:

enter image description here

Service Worker workflow?

I'm trying to figure out what the best workflow is for this. I want to set things up so that every time I make a new deploy, the entire site is wiped clean and the service worker resets itself through the inter webs and I'll be 100% sure that existing users will get that newly deployed experience

with out having to hard refresh or use incognito mode.

Should I...

  • Delete the service worker and deploy the new version without it (bad idea) ?
  • Create a "New Project" in the Firebase Console and re-link the custom domain up (tedious) ?
  • Find the "magic button" to press inside Firebase Console to reset (does this exist) ?
  • Edit the sw-precache-config.js file (not sure how) ?
  • Handle this in the $ polymer build to configure the sw-precache (not sure how) ?
  • Something awesome that don't even know about ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ?

I know that the problem exists inside the sw-precache-config.js file, but I'm unsure if this is where I should be fixing this.

module.exports = {
  staticFileGlobs: [
  navigateFallback: '/index.html',
  navigateFallbackWhitelist: [/^(?!.*\.html$|\/data\/).*/],
  runtimeCaching: [
      urlPattern: /\/data\/images\/.*/,
      handler: 'cacheFirst',
      options: {
        cache: {
          maxEntries: 200,
          name: 'items-cache'
      urlPattern: /\/data\/.*json/,
      handler: 'fastest',
      options: {
        cache: {
          maxEntries: 100,
          name: 'data-cache'

The Service Worker is an amazing tool and I definitely want it in my projects. I just need to learn how to tame the beast.


  • I don't know about polymer, but this is the flow I usually do with service workers.
    - In the client I check if there is a update, the app notify the user if he/she wants to update.
    - User accepts new version, then client send a message to sw to skipWating.

    navigator.serviceWorker.register('/serviceWorker.js').then(function(reg) {
        reg.addEventListener('updatefound', function() {
          reg.installing.addEventListener('statechange', function() {
            if (reg.installing.state == 'installed') {
              // Notify the user, there is a app new version.
              // User accept
               reg.installing.postMessage({msg: 'skipwaiting'});

    -In the service worker listen for the message and skipWating if user accepts the new version.

    self.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
      if ( === 'skipwaiting') {

    The client refresh the application after the service worker has change state. client.js:

    let refreshing;
    navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener('controllerchange', function() {
        if (refreshing) 
        refreshing = true;

    Maybe this can give you an idea.