I got stuck while working on trends. My problem is similar to this below thread but I have one extra variable called 'item'.
How to determine trend of time-series of values in R
My end result would be like below sample. Please help
Customer_ID Item Sales_Slope
Josh milk Positive
Josh eggs Negative
Eric milk Mixed
Eric eggs postive
My Data:
dat <- data.table(
dat[,transaction_num:=seq(1,.N), by=c("customer_ID")]
And the data.table approach which I outlined was:
trend <- function(x) {
ifelse(all(diff(x)>0), 'Positive',
ifelse(all(diff(x)<0), 'Negative', 'Mixed'))
dat[, trend(sales), by=c("customer_ID","item")]
customer_ID item V1
1: Josh milk Positive
2: Josh eggs Negative
3: Ray milk Mixed
4: Ray eggs Positive
5: Eric milk Negative
6: Eric eggs Mixed
# or if you want to assign the result...
dat[, Sales_Slope:=trend(sales), by=c("customer_ID","item")]