I have two tuples, one containing values and another tuple containing actions for these values. Now I want to apply the corresponding action on each value, with as little code "overhead" as possible. Something like the simplified example below.
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/hana.hpp>
namespace hana = boost::hana;
using namespace hana::literals;
struct ThinkPositive
void operator()(int &val) const
std::cout << "Think positive!\n";
val = std::abs(val);
struct Nice
void operator()(int &val) const
std::cout << val << " is nice!\n";
void numbers()
auto handlers = hana::make_tuple(Nice{}, ThinkPositive{});
auto nums = hana::make_tuple(5, -12);
auto handlers_and_nums = hana::zip(handlers, nums);
hana::for_each(handlers_and_nums, [](auto &handler_num) {
auto result = hana::transform(handlers_and_nums, [](const auto &handler_num) {
return handler_num[1_c];
hana::for_each(result, [](const auto num) {
std::cout << "got " << num << '\n';
int main()
While the example above works it would be nicer to modify the contents of nums in place.
Is there a way to modify nums in place?
You could use zip_with
, but it seems to be against its nature (it requires the function to actually return something, but your operators ()
return nothing:
auto special_compose = [](auto&& l, auto&& r){ l(r); return 0; };
hana::zip_with(special_compose, handlers, nums);
If you can make your operators return something, you could go with lockstep
There should be something like lockstep
defined without the outer f
call, but I found nothing in the docs.
A little more standard solution (won't fit your requirement of as little code overhead as possible):
template<typename Fs, typename Params, size_t... is>
void apply_in_lockstep_impl(Fs&& fs, Params&& ps, std::index_sequence<is...>){
int x[] = { (fs[hana::integral_c<size_t,is>](ps[hana::integral_c<size_t,is>]),0)... };
template<typename Fs, typename Params>
void apply_in_lockstep(Fs&& fs, Params&& ps){
static_assert(hana::size(fs) == hana::size(ps), "");
but at the call site it is prettier:
apply_in_lockstep(handlers, nums);
As was pointed in the comments another level of indirection can also help. Here this would mean to transform the sequence into a sequence of pointer, via which the original values are modified.
auto nums_ptr = hana::transform(nums, [](auto &num) { return # });
auto handlers_and_nums = hana::zip(handlers, nums_ptr);
hana::for_each(handlers_and_nums, [](auto &handler_num) {
Another, more "traditional", way is to iterate over a range. This would be like using an old for loop.
auto indices = hana::make_range(0_c, hana::length(handlers));
hana::for_each(indices, [&](auto i) {