There is one interesting thing in URL format:
Parameters in Path Segments of URL.
For more information see section "2.2.5" in
"O'Reilly - HTTP - The Definitive Guide".
This book can be found freely in Internet.
or in official specification section 3.3.
3.3. Path Component
The path component contains data, specific to the authority (or the scheme if there is no authority component), identifying the resource
within the scope of that scheme and authority.path = [ abs_path | opaque_part ] path_segments = segment *( "/" segment ) segment = *pchar *( ";" param ) param = *pchar pchar = unreserved | escaped | ":" | "@" | "&" | "=" | "+" | "$" | ","
Let's consider the following URL:
Here /first-segment/second-segment/index.html
is a Path part of URL.
is a first segment of that Pathsecond-segment
is a second segment of that Pathindex.html
is a third segment of that PathIt is stated in that book that each segment could have individual Parameters separated by semicolon ";". In our example it could be:;f1=WWW/second-segment;s1=1;s2=2/index.html;i1=100;abc=200?type=HelloWorld
- parameter for first-segment
and s2
- parameters for second-segment
and abc
parameters for index.html
The question is: do you know any practical examples of such Parameters in URLs?
I do not know any example of exactly parameters in the path segment.
But close example is connection and SFTP parameters in (expired) SFTP URL proposal.
There's one proposed connection parameter, the fingerprint
for SSH host key fingerprint:
And one proposed SFTP parameter, the typecode
for transfer mode (ascii vs. binary). There's no official example, but it should be like:
(what actually, while semantically different, has the syntax of your "path" parameter)