I've just started learning C# using Rob Miles' C# Programming Yellow Book and some related lab exercises from his website. I did one of them and produced a solution that works...(there's not one provided). I wanted it to not crash if the user inputs nonsensical answers or a string that can't be converted into an integer(I Googled this and found the TryParse method. The textbook briefly taught the try/catch method, but that didn't seem useful for a user interface, i.e. to let the program continue after a bad input). I also set it up so that, in one of these cases, it sends out an alternate message. I've ended up with a somewhat long code... a do/while within a do/while and a do/while within a while. If you have any tips for streamlining this, I'd be much obliged.
Best, Elliot
using System;
using System.IO;
static class Cinema
static void Main()
int[] selection = new int[] //array for the age requirements of each film
15, 15, 12, 18, 0
string filmNumberText; //console input for the film number
int filmNumber; //input string parsed as integer
string ageText; //console input for age
int age; //parsed age string
int ageLimit; //age requirement for selected film
Console.Write("Welcome to our Multiplex.\n\n");
Console.WriteLine(@"We are presently showing:
1. Rush (15)
2. How I Live Now (15)
3. Thor: The Dark World (12A)
4. Filth (18)
5. Planes (U)");
do //loops as long as input is not between 1 and 5
do //loops as long as the input is not an integer
Console.Write("\nEnter the number of the film you wish to see: ");
filmNumberText = Console.ReadLine();
while (int.TryParse(filmNumberText, out filmNumber) == false);
} while (filmNumber < 1 || filmNumber > 5);
filmNumber = filmNumber - 1; //changes input from 1-5 to 0-4
ageLimit = selection[filmNumber]; //selects age requirement from array
//loops as long as input is not an integer
Console.Write("\nEnter your age: ");
ageText = Console.ReadLine();
} while (int.TryParse(ageText, out age) == false); // repeats if input is not an integer
while (age < 0 || age > 125) //if integer is is too small or too large...
Console.Write("\nInvalid age. Please enter an age between 0 and 125: ");
ageText = Console.ReadLine();
} while (int.TryParse(ageText, out age) == false); //check again if input is an integer
if (age < ageLimit) //if too young for the given film
Console.WriteLine("\nAccess denied - you are too young");
Console.WriteLine("\nPlease call our office at 888-999-2928 to reserve tickets.");
I have tried to remove some do while loop from your code. is this what are you looking for?
public static void Main()
int[] selection = new int[] //array for the age requirements of each film
15, 15, 12, 18, 0
string filmNumberText; //console input for the film number
int filmNumber; //input string parsed as integer
string ageText; //console input for age
int age; //parsed age string
int ageLimit; //age requirement for selected film
Console.Write("Welcome to our Multiplex.\n\n");
Console.WriteLine(@"We are presently showing:
1. Rush (15)
2. How I Live Now (15)
3. Thor: The Dark World (12A)
4. Filth (18)
5. Planes (U)");
do //loops as long as input is not between 1 and 5
Console.Write("\nEnter the number of the film you wish to see: ");
filmNumberText = Console.ReadLine();
} while (int.TryParse(filmNumberText, out filmNumber) == false || (filmNumber < 1 || filmNumber > 5));
filmNumber = filmNumber - 1; //changes input from 1-5 to 0-4
ageLimit = selection[filmNumber]; //selects age requirement from array
//loops as long as input is not an integer
Console.Write("\nPlease enter an age between 0 and 125:");
ageText = Console.ReadLine();
} while (int.TryParse(ageText, out age) == false || (age < 0 || age > 125)); //check again if input is an integer
if (age < ageLimit) //if too young for the given film
Console.WriteLine("\nAccess denied - you are too young");
Console.WriteLine("\nPlease call our office at 888-999-2928 to reserve tickets.");