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What is acctinputoctets?

I have been looking for a definite meaning of acctinputoctets or acctoutputoctets and i have been using it as bytes.

but what is the real unit of this attribute?. I don't understand octets and it is too ambiguous.

Can you explain in Lay mans term, Thank you for those who can help.


  • Finally after testing the data usage using


    And monitoring traffic on an ASUS ROUTER

    I conclude that this is in bytes!

    How the test conducted:

    • Using an account connected to the radius limited to 5MB and 50MB all traffic/data usage was somewhere between 98-100%.

    Meaning if the limit was 5MB

    1. results on radius is 5.2~5.5
    2. results on Networkz is 5.1~5.7
    3. results on Glasswire is 4.9-5.2
    4. results on Router is 5.2~5.6

    Hope this could help someone