Hey guys I got this ugly thing:
val test = Some(Map("TesT",123))
val keys = test.getOrElse(Map()).keys.map(_.toLowerCase).asInstanceOf[Set[String]]
Can I turn it (line #2) into a clean/readable for comprehension?
Here's my attempt:
scala> val keys = for {
| map <- test
| keys <- map.keys
| k <- keys
| } yield k.toLowerCase
<console>:18: error: value toLowerCase is not a member of Char
} yield k.toLowerCase
<console>:16: error: type mismatch;
found : Iterable[Char]
required: Option[?]
keys <- map.keys
Comprehensions is just a syntactic sugar for map
. The flatMap
method of Option
returns another Option
. To get a multiple values you should start with sequence, so the first line should be map <- test.toSeq
. This explains the second error message.
The second line in the comprehension try to access keys
using flatMap
. It could be fixed in two ways. Either replaces it by val keys = map.keys
, so neither map
or flatMap
is involved, or remove this line completely in make a call on the third one: k <- map.keys
. This will fix fix the first error.
So you may choose between two solutions:
val keys = for {
map <- test.toSeq
val keys = map.keys
k <- keys
} yield k.toLowerCase
val keys = for {
map <- test.toSeq
k <- map.keys
} yield k.toLowerCase