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SDPTools package for maple?

Im looking for the "SDPTools" package in Maple. Its mentioned here;

Any suggestions?


  • Are you possibly looking for the Dynamic Systems package? The SDPTools package is not in public domain, you can try to write to the developers at

    [AlgEquation, AppendConnect, BodePlot, CharacteristicPolynomial, Chirp, Coefficients, ControllabilityMatrix, Controllable, Covariance, DTF2DDE, DiffEquation, DiscretePlot, EquilibriumPoint, FeedbackConnect, FrequencyResponse, FrequencyResponseSystem, GainMargin, Grammians, ImpulseResponse, ImpulseResponsePlot, IsSystem, Linearize, MagnitudePlot, NewSystem, NicholsPlot, NormH2, NormHinf, NyquistPlot, ObservabilityMatrix, Observable, ParallelConnect, PhaseMargin, PhasePlot, PrintSystem, Ramp, Resample, ResponsePlot, RootContourPlot, RootLocusPlot, RouthTable, SSModelReduction, SSTransformation, ScaleInputs, ScaleOutputs, SeriesConnect, Simulate, Sinc, Sine, Square, StateSpace, Step, StepProperties, Subsystem, System, SystemConnect, SystemOptions, ToContinuous, ToDiscrete, Tools, TransferFunction, Triangle, Verify, ZeroPoleGain, ZeroPolePlot]