Since two weeks I am missing the property satcat
of the DBpedia class Satellite
I am trying to get all satellites and filter it by the satcat
. (It worked until October.)
PREFIX dbp: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?subject ?satcat
WHERE { ?subject ?x <>.
?subject dbp:satcat ?satcat.
FILTER(?satcat = XXX )}
For example, extract information about
Do I have the opportunity to get some influence of the DBpedia database? Or can anybody fix the graph in the database? Or is there another common solution to extract a specific satellite out of
You appear to have run into a glitch in the data of the latest DBpedia release, which went live on October 14.
Probably best to raise this and issues like it to dbpedia-discussion and/or dbpedia-developers.
I'd provide them with comparative links, e.g., the main vs