var paramter = "https://www.instagram.com/nike/media/&callback=?";
$.getJSON(paramter ,function(json)
var birdpic = " ";
var data = json.items;
birdpic +="<div class='pics'><img src='"+data[0].images.low_resolution.url+" '></div>";
So, I tried adding the callback to the end https://www.instagram.com/nike/media/q=callback
Is this right format
Now, I am getting
send @ jquery-3.1.0.js:9471ajax
@ jquery-3.1.0.js:8999jQuery.(anonymous function)
@ jquery-3.1.0.js:9148getJSON
@ jquery-3.1.0.js:9129(anonymous function)
@ bird.js:5mightThrow @ jquery-3.1.0.js:3508process @ jquery-3.1.0.js:3576
The API you are using is undocumented API, and it does not support JSONP (callback), so you have to make calls in the back-end, you cannot use browser/javascript to make API calls.
If you use documented APIs, they all support JSONP and you can access from front-end code using ajax