I have a data frame with variables:
$ ID : int 9224101
$ IUCR : Factor w/ 360
$ Primary.Type : Factor w/ 32
$ Year : int 2013
IUCR (Illinois Uniform Crime Reporting code)
I want to plot a time series that shows all the Years on x axis and the number of crimes that happened each year on Y axis at=10^(0:6) , so the numbers wouldnt be as high.
I've tried using:
plot.ts(dd$Year, dd$ID)
Ive also tried
ggplot(data = dd, aes(Year, ID)) +geom_line()
If each observation represents one crime then you could do something like:
dd$count <- 1
dd_by_year <- dd %>% group_by(Year) %>% summarize(crime = sum(count, na.rm = T))
Then you should have crime by year that you can plot in any manner you like.