What can be the cause of this? I am new to assembly (asm) programming, and I am kind of frustrated of what happening in my code because I have been trying to figure it out for hours.
stringInput BYTE 21 dup (0)
wrongInput BYTE "That is incorrect", 0
correctInput BYTE "That is correct you win", 0
inputSize = 20
push EDX
mov EDX, OFFSET stringInput
mov ECX, inputSize
call readString
mov AL, [ESI]
mov BL, [EDX]
cmp AL, 0
jne loopWord2
cmp BL, 0
jne loopWord2
jmp loopWord4
inc ESI ;point to the next
inc EDX ;point to next element
cmp AL, BL ;is the letter equals?
je loopWord ;IF EQUAL loop again
jne loopWord3 ;not equal go out
pop EDX
mov EDX, OFFSET wrongInput
jmp WordFinish
mov EDX, OFFSET correctInput
jmp WordFinish
call WriteString
RET ;the exception is thrown here
WordMatching ENDP
I am pretty sure the code is working, it runs properly until the return part. PS: i still have codes other than this, in which the wordMatching PROC will be called.
Put a breakpoint at the start of the code (before executing push EDX
), note down the stack address esp
plus value in stack (return address to caller).
Then put a breakpoint at ret
. Run the code. Check the esp
(you don't ever execute pop EDX
, you have it in code, but it is behind pair je
+ jne
, so actually unreachable).
About the logic of compare, you can simplify it a lot:
push EDX
mov EDX, OFFSET stringInput
mov ECX, inputSize
call readString
mov EBX, OFFSET wrongInput
mov AL, [ESI]
cmp AL, [EDX]
jne loopWord_wrongInput ; first difference -> wrongInput
inc ESI
inc EDX
test AL,AL
jnz loopWord ; until 0 is found in both strings
; here is the branch for correct word
mov EBX, OFFSET correctInput ; no difference -> switch result string
; display result string
call WriteString
pop EDX ; your missing "pop EDX" fixed here
edit: I forgot to increment esi/edx in first version, fixed now.