I have a form and to validate it, I am using eval(). Background is, that I have defined rules in an table. These rules contain placeholders. The rule is compiled and then eval() should check wether its true or false.
Part of one rule contains a check on a listbox value. I identified this to be the problem. I could reduce it to the following:
Application.Forms("frmDMAE").lstHistory.Column(6, Application.Forms("frmDMAE").lstHistory.ListCount - 1)
returns ie 2,
eval("Application.Forms(""frmDMAE"").lstHistory.Column(6, Application.Forms(""frmDMAE"").lstHistory.ListCount - 1)")
returns NULL - but I can not figure out why!?
eval("Application.Forms(""frmDMAE"").lstHistory.Column(6, 5)")
returns NULL as well!? Column 6, row 5 definately contains a numeric value.
Also pasting the following into the debug window shows "2" as return value in both cases:
Application.Forms("frmDMAE").lstHistory(6, Application.Forms("frmDMAE").lstHistory.ListCount - 1)
Application.Forms("frmDMAE").lstHistory.Column(6, 5)
Any idea anyone??? I don't have a dime anymore.
Solution of Andre works. Just change the indexes of the .Column property within Eval(). Use .Column(rowindex, colindex) instead of .Column(colindex, rowindex)!
Thank You very much, Thomas
Wow. What a strange thing.
Apparently you have to switch the parameters (or array indexes) of the .Column
property around when using it with Eval()
My listbox has 2 rows and 7 columns, with a number in the 6th column (= column 5).
? Forms!myForm!myList.Column(5,1)
? Eval("Forms!myForm!myList.Column(5,1)")
? Eval("Forms!myForm!myList.Column(1,5)")
I don't really know what to make of this.
Note: I'm using Access 2010.