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Xcode 8. Constraint referencing items turned off in current configuration

I've faced with the problem after updating to Xcode 8. Every time after UI objects are deleted from the main storyboard I get the following warning:

Constraint referencing items turned off in current configuration. Turn off this constraint in the current configuration.

enter image description here

It looks like this is an Xcode bug, but anyway I want to remove these warnings from the project. I found that there were the same problem with Xcode 6 here but no answer from that question fix the problem right no. So when I find the incorrect constraint in the storyboard and delete it the amount of incorrect constrains is increasing instead of decreasing. I things that I've also tried:

  • cleaned the project
  • cleaned the derived data
  • deleted all constraints and added new ones from the scratch

Any ideas?


  • I was having several views that were not Installed, after updating to xcode 8.1, I had 2 warnings.

    Following steps worked for me:

    1) Clean the project and restart Xcode, warnings decreased to 1.

    2) Selecting the warning will show exactly which constraint having an issue. Open Attributes Inspector and select those views where constraint is applied, look for Installed if its unchecked on the view (not on constraint). You can either select Installed on the view, or unselect Installed on constraint itself.

    See screenshot below. Installed was unchecked on view, not on the constraint that the warning was pointing to :)

    Installed is unchecked on a view, not on constraint itself

    Update: Same issue again with another ViewController, a UIView was not Installed for a size class, I unselect Installed on constraint itself and warning is gone too, I guess its not an Xcode bug, its claiming to turn Installed on/off on both UIView and Constrarint