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Is it possible to change the color of disabled active mdSwitch of Angular material?

I am using Angular Material md-switch. In documentation it is showing some different color when the switch is enabled. But I need a functionality like changing the color of switch when it is in Disabled Active. Please help me in acheving this. Thanks in advance.

<md-switch aria-label="Switch 11" ng-class="{'md-checked':database.somevalue.value['alarm']}" 
            ng-disabled="true"> Alarm


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    enter image description here


    md-switch[disabled].activeDisabled .md-container > div
      cursor: default;
      background: lightgreen;
    md-switch[disabled].activeDisabled .md-container > div > div
      background: green;


    <div ng-controller="SwitchDemoCtrl" ng-cloak="" ng-app="MyApp">
      <md-switch ng-class="{activeDisabled: data.cb1}" ng-disabled="true" aria-label="Disabled active switch" ng-model="data.cb1">
        Switch (Disabled, Active)
      <md-switch ng-class="{activeDisabled: data.cb2}" ng-disabled="true" aria-label="Disabled active switch" ng-model="data.cb2">
        Switch (Disabled, Active)
      <md-switch ng-class="{activeDisabled: data.cb3}" ng-disabled="true" aria-label="Disabled active switch" ng-model="data.cb3">
        Switch (Disabled, Active)


    .controller('SwitchDemoCtrl', function($scope) {
      $ = {
        cb1: true,
        cb2: false,
        cb3: false